Apply for a PJN Travel Grant
If you would like to be considered for Monetary travel assistance for a trip to Palestine, please send a request to Dave Jones, the PJN Treasurer, at djones1948@sbcglobal.net. He will discuss the request with the co-moderators of the Palestine Justice Network (PJN) Steering Committee and they will make a recommendation to the full steering committee.
Some of the criteria for giving travel assistance includes the following questions:
Will the trip expose one to Palestinian life under occupation in the West Bank or Gaza through tours, interviews, lectures, conferences, or work?
Is the trip sponsored by a reputable and experienced organization?
Is the applicant active in a church or NGO with a history of human rights involvement?
Does the applicant have an existing network through which they can share their experiences and encourage others to get involved in Palestinian human rights issues?
Is this their first time traveling to Palestine?
If you want travel assistance, please send an email to David Jones with a short description of why you want to go and how you will work for Palestinian human rights when you return. Your request should include:
A description of the trip, including its purpose.
The organization sponsoring the trip.
Your personal background.
A statement of why you want to go on the trip.
A description of how you will share their experiences when you return from the trip.
The amount of travel assistance requested.
The cost of going to Palestine is often about $600-$1000 for program registration feeds that usually include lodging and meals, $1000-$1,500 for airfare, and $200-$300 for travel in Palestine. Travel assistance is usually in the range of $500 to $1000. PJN has limited money for travel assistance, so the amount of assistance to an individual may depend on how many people are requesting assistance.