Join our work.
Anyone who supports the Palestine Justice Network (PJN) Mission Statement is welcome to become part of the network as an individual member.
Our PJN Mission is:
In joyful obedience to the call of Christ, and in solidarity with churches and our other partners in the Middle East, this network covenants to engage, consolidate, nourish, and channel the energy in the Presbyterian Church (USA) toward the goal of a just peace in Israel/Palestine by facilitating education, promoting partnerships, and coordinating advocacy. Our network speaks TO the Church and not FOR the Church.
We firmly believe our advocacy for Palestinian human rights, including Palestinians living in Israel (within the 1967 borders), is also in the best interest of Israelis. We seek to demonstrate solidarity, educate about the facts on the ground, and change the conditions that erode the humanity of both Israelis and Palestinians, especially those who are living under occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.
The PJN was established by action of the 2004 General Assembly with the mandate to advocate for Palestinian rights.