PJN By-Laws
[updated and approved 11/09/2024]
Article I – Name
A. The name of the organization is the Palestine Justice Network (PJN).
Article II – Mission Statement
A. In joyful obedience to the call of Christ, and in solidarity with churches and other partners in Israel and Palestine, the Palestine Justice Network (PJN) covenants to engage, consolidate, nourish, and channel the energy in the PC (U.S.A.) toward the goal of a just peace in Israel and Palestine by facilitating education, promoting partnerships, and coordinating advocacy. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network is a grass roots organization that seeks to support Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) policies and partners in the land of Christ’s birth. As part of its mandate, IPMN is an advocate for Palestinian rights, seeking a deeper understanding of their struggle. IPMN speaks to the church, not for the church.
Article III – Membership
A. Members - Membership in PJN is open to any member of a PC (U.S.A.) congregation or presbytery who supports the IPMN Mission Statement. One becomes a member by sending a message to the Membership Coordinator affirming one’s support of the Mission Statement. It is expected that members will advocate for a just peace in Israel/Palestine in their congregations and presbyteries and will support the work of the network as they are able. If subsequent actions by any member are found to be inconsistent with the vision of the Mission Statement, then the Steering Committee may, by majority vote, remove that person from the membership rolls.
B. Affiliate Members - This category of membership is for others, Christians of other denominations or people of other faiths, who support the mission and goals of PJN. These members may participate in the work of the committees to the extent that the committee leadership opts to include them. They may attend the general meetings on the basis of individual invitations issued by the Steering Committee. These members may have voice but not vote in plenary sessions.
Article IV – Relationship to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
A. The PJN is one of many mission networks established in close consultation and cooperation with the denomination. The 216th General Assembly (2004) directed that "the formation of a Worldwide Ministries Division-related Palestine Mission Network move forward as soon as possible, for the purpose of creating currents of wider and deeper Presbyterian involvement with Palestinian partners, aimed at demonstrating solidarity, and changing the conditions that erode the humanity of Palestinians living in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza." Denominational staff has played a major role assisting PJN in its establishment, through advising and guiding our work, particularly in the early phases of our work. As affirmed in our Mission Statement, our goal is to support the policies and partners of the denomination.
B. The PJN recognizes the expertise of the denominational staff and mission co-workers in the issues of Palestine/Israel. We also recognize and support the complex decision-making processes, which determine the denomination’s policies in the region.
C. While we support denominational policies and partners, all PC (U.S.A.) mission networks are independent bodies. Therefore, we are called to speak in a stronger and more prophetic way than the denomination might. We affirm the importance for the IPMN to maintain an independent voice within the denomination speaking to the church but not for the church.
D. The need for independence means that it is inappropriate for denominational staff to be members of the network. PJN will call upon these professionals to advise PJN about the complex decision making and issues in Palestine/Israel as needed.
Article V – Officers
A. Network Officers
1. The officers of the network will be Co-Moderators, Secretary, Treasurer.
2. Other officers as may be determined by the membership.
B. Terms of Office
1. The Co-Moderators will be elected for a term of two (2) years and are eligible for reelection to another two-year term.
2. Other officers, Secretary and Treasurer, will be elected for a term of two (2) year terms and are eligible for reelection without restriction.
C. Elections
1. Election of officers shall take place during the membership meeting.
2. The Nominating Committee will propose a slate of officers after circulating positions for which nominations are needed to the PJN membership.
3. The proposed slate of nominees will be circulated to the PJN membership at least 4 weeks before the meeting.
4. Nominations from the floor will be accepted after the nominee has agreed to be nominated.
5. In the event of the resignation of one of the officers of the network, the remaining members of the Steering Committee are authorized to appoint a temporary replacement, following a nomination from the Nominating Committee. That position will then be filled on a permanent basis at the next meeting, following the procedures set out above.
Article VI– Duties of the Officers and Liaisons
A. Co-Moderators (officers)
1. Conduct all meetings of the Steering Committee
2. Prepare the agenda for the Steering Committee meetings in consultation with others
3. Work collegially with the Steering Committee
4. Receive communications on behalf of PJN
5. Communicate information to appropriate persons and organizations
6. Encourage interest/membership in PJN
7. Encourage evaluation of projects and development of a vision for the PJN and the setting of goals
8. Actively look for opportunities for networking with other groups with similar interests
9. Work with a team to plan the PJN general meeting
10. Moderate during the general meeting
11. Be the liaison between PJN and the PC(USA) Louisville offices
12. When confronted with the need to make a quick decision, the Co-Moderators are empowered to do so after consulting with a minimum of three (3) other members of the Steering Committee.
B. Secretary (officer)
1. Take minutes of the Steering Committee meetings and meeting, including a list of those in attendance, and distribute them electronically as soon as possible following the meeting to the Steering Committee. Full minutes are available to IPMN members, upon request.
C. Treasurer (officer)
1. Oversee the management and disbursement of PJN funds following Steering Committee action
2. Present regular reports to the Steering Committee
D. Membership (liaison)
1. Maintain the membership rolls of the network, in a cloud database, including telephone numbers, email and postal addresses, as well as similar information for friends of the network who do not wish to be members but want to be kept informed of network activities
2. Work with others in the network to communicate newsletters and other information to the membership
E. Communications (liaison)
1. Coordinate the production of e-blasts of newsworthy items with a writing team and send them to appropriate lists
2. Maintain and update the Network webpage in consultation with a technical assistant as necessary
3. Coordinate and write IPMN statements and press releases, and distribute them by email and post on website.
F. Grants (liaison)
1. Responsible for the review/update/post on web of the application process, receive applications, request evaluations from previous grantees,
2. Work with team to review all applications and make recommendations to the SC for the biennial allocations
3. Inform grantees and oversee the process to get the funds to them
4. Prepare reports for the SC, annual meeting and web page
G. Funds Development (liaison)
1. With assistance from the Treasurer, recommends the theme and financial goal for the annual IPMN fundraising campaign to the Steering Committee for approval.
2. Develop resource materials and administer all aspects of the campaign.
3. Using our cloud data base, run reports of pledges and gifts given, solicit gifts, process receipts.
Article VII – IPMN Infrastructure
A. Liaisons
1. here may be liaisons as needed to be tasked with, Finance, fundraising, grants, membership, social media, KHA trips, presentations, Communications, Advocacy, Education, and Partnerships or other concerns or initiatives.
2. The Steering Committee shall also have the ability to create additional liaisons as deemed necessary between meetings.
B. Steering Committee
1. There shall be a Steering Committee (SC) composed of the above officers with the addition of at least 4 more and ad-hoc or at-large members, as needed, either for limited periods of time or for two years. Such invitations to participate in the work of the SC may be extended as needed, at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
2. The Steering Committee is accountable to the PJN membership and is to work collegially to:
i. Conduct a review and evaluation at least bi-annually of the programs/projects of the IPMN
ii. Develop planning processes to enable the IPMN membership to set goals and objectives for the future
iii. Establish teams to accomplish the goals and objectives of the PJN
iv. Discover and utilize the gifts of PJN members
v. Approve an annual budget to be submitted for final adoption at the meeting, and authorize expenditures
vi. Promote participation in the PJN
vii. Develop ways of relating to other groups/organizations with similar foci
viii. Communicate with PJN members regarding its work and alert PJN members to information concerning Israel/Palestine
C. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be named by the Steering Committee on a bi-annual basis.
2. There will be three (3) members of which at least one (1) will be from the Steering Committee. The other two (2) members will be from the general membership. Any PJN member may submit a nominee for the Nominating Committee.
3. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the IPMN Officers and all other Steering Committee members
4. The names of Nominating Committee members shall be circulated among the PJN membership
5. The committee shall begin its work preferably four (4) months prior to the meeting.
6. The slate of nominees will be circulated to the IPMN membership at least four (4) weeks prior to the meeting.
D. Teams
1. There may be teams of PJN based upon the mission and goals of the organization. These may change from time to time.
2. The moderator of each team liaises with a member of the Steering Committee and is responsible for communicating its work and needs with team members.
Article VIII – Membership General Meeting
A. There shall be a meeting of the members of PJN at least every other year.
B. Notice of this meeting will be sent to members no less than four (4) months prior to the meeting.
C. A quorum is made up of at least 25 attendees, to conduct business.
D. A special meeting may be held at the request of the PJN Moderator or by the request of one-third (1/3) of the Steering Committee. At least two (2) weeks advance notice shall be given for special meetings.
Article IX – Amendments to the Bylaws
A. Amendments to the bylaws of PJN shall be approved at a meeting by a sixty (60) percent vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken.
B. Proposed amendments shall be sent electronically to the membership at least four (4) weeks prior to the meeting.
By-Law Amendments:
9-23-09 Original bylaws approved at general IPMN meeting
10-20-10 Revisions approved at general IPMN meeting
10-12-12 Revisions approved at general IPMN meeting
10-09-19 Revised at 2019 annual meeting
11-09-24 Revised at 2024 annual meeting