PJN Advocacy Blog

All of PJN’s calls to action, official statements, and reflections from members in one place.

Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

The IPMN Strongly Condemns the Attack on the Fogel Family in Itamar

The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PC(USA) (IPMN) condemns with the strongest force, the murder of the Fogel family in the settlement of Itamar, near the West Bank town of Nablus.

There can be no justification, political or otherwise, for such a horrific act of murder. The fact that the victims were living in what is a settlement, considered illegal under international humanitarian law, is not justification for any kind of attack, let alone cold-blooded murder. Civilians are protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention in any circumstance. Furthermore, the many documented settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank are not justification for any kind of attack or reprisal. The IPMN strongly condemns any revenge attacks, which are not justifiable under any law.

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Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

A New Era for Egypt and the Middle East

The Israel Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) joins with the world community in celebration of the dawn of a new era in Egypt. We rejoice in the resignation of Hosni Mubarak and the dismantling of his three decades-old police state, in favor of building a democratic one. The people marching in the streets of Cairo and other Egyptian cities cried out for freedom through peaceful demonstration and non-violence. The amazing truth in which we rejoice is that peace and non-violence ultimately won in this struggle for an unfettered voice among all the peoples of Egypt. We mourn the loss of life that occurred as a result of Mubarak’s final efforts to remain in power, and we pray for those who have been injured as a result. We pray also for all Christians, Muslims and Jews in a land where in unison they have sounded the cry: “Let our people go!”

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Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

Presbyterian Mission Network Responds to Simon Wiesenthal Center Attack

NEW YORK — December 4, 2010 — The Israel Palestine Mission Network, a key player in assuring the passage of the Presbyterian Church’s Middle East Study Committee Report at the denomination’s national assembly in July, has responded to the recent attack on the church which appeared in an Op-Ed piece written by Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in the Wall Street Journal on December 3rd.

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Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

Presbyterian Groups Call on U.S. Department of Justice to End Subpoenas on Dissenting Activists

NEW YORK - The Israel Palestine Mission Network* (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA), The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) and the National Middle East Presbyterian Caucus (NMEPC) oppose the misuse of the grand jury process by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and the accompanying FBI raids. The DOJ served a total of nine federal grand jury subpoenas to Chicago area Palestinian solidarity activists in the month of December alone, raising the total subpoenas served to 23. These Presbyterian groups call upon their own denominational leadership, as well as Churches for Middle East Peace, the National Council of Churches and all concerned Christian denominations to join them in denouncing the DOJ's bold attempts to suppress peaceful dissent on the part of those working for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

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Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

U.S. Groups to Obama—Stop Delivery of Bulldozers to Israel

Washington, DC (October 28, 2010)—Responding to reports in the Israeli media earlier this week that Caterpillar is delaying the delivery of tens of D9 bulldozers—valued at $50 million—to the Israeli military, U.S. organizations called today on the Obama Administration to stop all deliveries of bulldozers to the Israeli military due to human rights concerns.

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Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA) Palestine Justice Network of the PC(USA)

Presbyterian Mission Network Joins BDS Movement, Calls for Boycotts on goods from Illegal Israeli Settlements

CHICAGO, October 25, 2010 —In response to a call to action from the Christians of the Holy Land, The Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) [PC(USA)] voted at its annual meeting to join the international boycott of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

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