IPMN Expresses Its Profound Grief, Standing in Solidarity with Muslims
[See also: PC(USA) Stated Clerk's Statement here.]
March 18, 2019 — The Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, and expresses its profound grief for the heinous crimes.
We stand in solidarity with all Muslims at this time, especially the Muslims of Aotearoa/ New Zealand. We denounce the abhorrent ideologies of white supremacy and Islamophobia that gave rise to this attack, and we see it as an assault on all believers, on our global human family, and the bonds of our shared humanity.
As people of faith, we commit ourselves with renewed vigor in our collective work against violence, bigotry, and hate. In the US alone, the FBI reported a 17% increase in hate crimes against Muslims in the latest year.
Globally, it is no better. The Southern Poverty Law Center points to a global terrorist network stating:; “The atrocity in New Zealand shows us, once again, that we’re dealing with an international [White] terrorist movement linked by a dangerous white supremacist ideology that’s metastasizing in the echo chambers of internet chat rooms and on social media networks."
As a Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that advocates for Palestinian rights in the interest of both Israelis and Palestinians, we recommit ourselves to the creation of a world where all people —no matter their faith, where they live, or where they were born— can feel safe and secure.
With our ecumenical partners and Presbyterian Church (USA) entities, we will work tirelessly through advocacy and education against the human tragedy of bigotry and prejudice, including Islamophobia and antisemitism.
We join the prayer ‘the whole broken and heartbroken world,’ offered by our own Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).